About Us

Why Bazillion software?

We operate in diverse sectors like finances, banking, health care, cyber securities, Artificial intelligence (AI), Education, e-commerce, Consultancies, Networking, and others. Bazillion software aims to develop, distribute, maintain, modify and repair applications, technologies, software etc in India and abroad. Bazillion Software believes to serve its customers to satisfy their requirements to the highest extent. In addition to it, the business partners and our employees also equally matter to us. Bazillion truly appreciates teamwork.

Our Accreditations

app design

App Design

content management

Content Management

software design and management

Software Design And Management

cyber security

Cyber Security



  • Satisfy our clients and keep their trust
  • Give our employees opportunities to grow and explore
  • To make Bazillion software one of the greatest achievers in the field of IT

Our Team

Our team is the core strength of the company. We have enthusiastic and proactive employees with a vision to take Bazillion software to an enormous height. We work with proper planning and execution to achieve the requirement of our clients without any complaints. Bazillion team operates to fulfil the belief of our clients in us.